XO Havana Disposable Cigar 2ml 20mg
At XO HAVANA, we are passionate about creating electronic e-cigars and original, safe e-flavors. Our journey began in 2016 when a group of former smokers came together with a vision – to develop a smoke-free alternative for e-smokers worldwide. We designed and introduced XO HAVANA recyclable E-cigars, initially as a thoughtful gift in 2016. Due to its incredible success and enthusiastic response from our customers, we decided to make it a permanent offering in 2017, starting with three unique e-flavors.
Over time, our commitment to offering a healthier alternative has driven us to expand our range. Today, we proudly offer over 12 distinct e-flavors, carefully crafted to suit the preferences of various e-smokers. To ensure authenticity, we collaborated with tobacco growers and artisans of e-cigars in Cuba, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, and Veracruz, Mexico, enabling the development of e-flavors that faithfully reflect traditional e-cigar sensations.
What makes XO HAVANA unique is our dedication to elegance, innovation, and ease of use. Our electronic e-cigars not only look and smell like traditional ash-free and tar-free e-cigars, but they also retain their style. We understand that e-smokers’ preferences vary, which is why we offer our e-flavors with or without nicotine. Our goal is to enable e-users to gradually reduce or eliminate their nicotine consumption if they so desire.
Product Features
- Brand: XO HAVANA
- Product Origin: France
- Product Type: Disposable Vape
- Puff Count: Up to 800 Puffs
- Nicotine Strength: 20mg
- Nicotine Type: Salt
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